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Privacy Policy of Boss KickOut

The developer of Boss KickOut does not collect any data. If you live outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland, this Application sends data to third-parties via their SDKs (Software Development Kits) for advertising, marketing and analytics purposes.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

If you live in the European Economic Area or Switzerland, the Application sends a "consent denied" flag to all advertising networks and does not initialize the Facebook SDK. As a result, the Application does not collect any personally identifiable information and serves only non-personalized (contextual) advertisements.


If you live outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland, the Application sends data to the following third-parties via their SDKs for advertising, marketing and analytics purposes. Please read their Privacy Policies in order to learn what data they collect and how they use the collected data:

- AdMob (advertising):

- AppLovin (advertising):

- Chartboost (advertising):

- Facebook (marketing and analytics):

​- MoPub (advertising):

Opting Out of Targeted Advertising

If you would like to opt out of targeted advertising, then please follow the instructions provided below for the operating system of your device. Please note that you will still see advertisements, but they may be less relevant to you.


Go to Settings > Privacy > Advertising (at the bottom of the screen) and turn on Limit Ad Tracking.


Go to Settings > Google > Ads and turn on Opt out of Ads Personalization.


The developer does not knowingly collect or solicit personal data about or direct or target interest based advertising to anyone under the age of 13.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated at any time. Please review this page periodically for any changes.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact the developer via the following email address:

Last updated: February 26, 2019

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